Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Released December 19, 2012
Welcome to our humble abode! My name is Professor Hugsnaggle, and I shall be your guide.
Our mission, here at Mazzagadda Press -- I was told to tell
''with two D's, two Z's, and loads of A's'', to which I, with this, heretowith (1)
comply -- is to bring you the greatest classics of international literature in ebook
form. With, of course, new material. And at an affordable price.
These ebooks will cover a great range of genres -- from comedy and drama; to fairy tales, myths, Science-Fiction
and fantasy.
As for this website, it is still in its early infancy and is planned to evolve throughout 2013.
(1) This is not A Real Word (tm)... do not try this at home... we are professionals...
use at your own risk... and all that sort of cool stuff.